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Functional Service provider:
The outsourcing of our staff to our clients is a key part of CST approach. One aspect of this is providing functional teams that provide support to the client. This is also known as Functional Service Provision (FSP) within the industry.

As a Functional Service Provider, CST can offer support in specific functions from small scale support through to large programs.  Our clients range from small biotechnology companies through to Top 5 global pharmaceutical companies.  We have experience supporting:

  • Rapid ramp-up of resources
  • Integration of client staff
  • Coordination and consolidation of contractors
  • Multi-region support to optimize cost structures
  • Global expertise in specific functions
  • Provision of excellent team management

Staff Augmentation:
Our clients are often requiring flexible access to staff for CRO support of their data. The support can be for specific tasks, therapeutic areas or to meet the demands of the peaks and troughs of clinical pipelines. CST can provide approaches that offer:

  • Flexible resourcing
  • Access to experts
  • Short term resource gaps
  • A trained back-up team

Specific function outsourcing:
Often our client asks for specific function to outsource, which CST take it as a challenge, to adapt clients own operating procedures to do specific functions like

  • Data management
  • Data transformation into specific format
  • CDISC mapping
  • Statistical design in protocol
  • Adaptive trial design
  • Missing data handling
  • Statistical consulting
  • Interim analysis
  • Meta-analysis
  • Final data analysis
  • Project management/ Monitoring
  • Regulatory submissions
  • Protocol design
  • Regional EC specific documentation